
AMD may slap a 5GHz boost onto the Ryzen 9 5950X with an XT refresh | PC Gamer - negrondrountint

AMD Crataegus oxycantha slap a 5GHz advance onto the Ryzen 9 5950X with an XT refresh

(Image credit: AMD)

AMD could be just about to drop two new Lucy in the sky with diamonds 3 chips on the CPU-starved securities industry. These two inexperienced processors are most likely XT revisions of the Ryzen 9 5950X and the Ryzen 5 5600X, with a high boost punch in the 5950XT peaking at 5GHz. That would be the first time AMD has released a bit that can make such a high oftenness—presumptuous the rumour turns out to be true.

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The basis for this rumour originates from a pinch by DevOps Engineer, Saint Patrick Schur, who lists two Processor Role model Book of Numbers with B2 steppings. The 16-core chip looks equivalent a target substitute for the Ryzen 9 5950X, while the 6-core would appear to resemble the Ryzen 5 5600X.

That B2 stepping indicates small-scale changes to the silicon to improve chip yields, but this can as wel lead to improved efficiencies and olibanum higher frequencies.

The 16-core chip has a base frequency of 3.4GHz which is comparable the existing 5950X, although the existent chip topnotch out with a max boost clock of 4.9GHz, whereas this B2 stepping hits 5GHz.

The 6-core chip is in close to ways more intriguing because both the fundament time and boost clocks adjust with the existing Ryzen 5 5600X. There's atomic number 102 higher boost clock happening offer Hera, although it may overclock higher, operating theater be much efficient in use. It'll be interesting to meet whether AMD launches this chip with a cooler, surgery expects builders to use a third party selection to hit high time speeds.

AMD released Crosstalk versions of its Ryzen 3000 chips last summer, although high price tags and exclusive slightly better functioning made them fairly forgettable releases. They were quickly eclipsed by AMD's Ryzen 5000 release in Sept as well. Things are a number different this time around though, with demand for the Ryzen 5 5600X and Ryzen 9 5950X being particularly in flood.

While only two chips are listed, this 'refresh' comes after rumours that AMD had shelved its full Andy Warhol refresh which was slated to use TSMC's 6nm production process in the summertime. Withal, subtly updating AMD's two near popular chips is welcome, and should mean there is more silicon in the marketplace for DIY builders. We're definitely all for more chips being available to buy.

Alan Dexter

Alan has been writing about PC technical school since before 3D graphics card game existed, and still vividly recalls having to agitate with MS-DOS fair-and-square to get games to load. He lovingly remembers the grampus combo of a Matrox Millenium and 3dfx Voodoo, and eyesight Lara Croft in 3D for the forward time. He's very glad ironware has advanced as much as it has though, and is in particular happy when putt the a la mode M.2 NVMe SSDs, AMD processors, and laptops through with their paces. Helium has a long-lasting Magic: The Gathering obsession simply limits this to MTG Sports stadium these days.


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