
China Plans to Ditch Windows PCs in Government Offices by 2022

U.S-China trader war intensifies: Trump imposes more tariifs on electronic goods import from China

The Chinese government is reportedly prepping to ditch Microsoft Windows in all government offices within the next three years. According to FT, the country is planning to make the transition as function of its plans to stop using all foreign hardware and software in government departments in the future.

The latest salvo in an escalating trade war betwixt the Usa and China follows a contempo determination from the United states government to blacklist a number of Chinese AI firms, including many that specialize in facial recognition software. In total, twenty Chinese public security bureaus and eight companies, including the video surveillance firm, Hikvision, and facial recognition firms, SenseTime and Megvii, were added to the The states blacklist back in October.

According to the publication, the new policy, dubbed 3-v-two, volition see the Chinese government replace 30 percent of its Windows PCs in 2020, 50 per centum in 2021 and 20 percentage in 2022. The move could hit not just Microsoft, simply also other major U.s.a. tech firms, including Dell and HP, all of whom count the Chinese government amid their largest enterprise customers.

The report, which cited a inquiry note from brokerage business firm China Securities, claims that xx million to xxx million pieces of foreign hardware equipment volition accept to exist replaced in China because of the latest directive, which is said to take been issued past the Chinese Communist party's Key Office earlier this twelvemonth. While the policy is yet to be officially appear, FT says it has been corroborated past two separate cyber-security companies in the country, who said that they've besides been intimated of the plan by their government clients.


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