
How To Remove Profile Picture On Facebook Without Deleting

If your profile motion-picture show on Facebook is former, it'southward a skillful idea to remove or change information technology.

This is especially so if your profile picture is a photo of yourself.

On Facebook, removing your profile motion-picture show can be challenging.

This is because there isn't a "delete" or a "remove" selection that yous tin use.

If you want to remove your profile moving-picture show on Facebook, you'll have to utilise another method instead.

In this guide, you'll learn how to remove your profile motion picture on Facebook.

You tin use both the desktop and the mobile version of Facebook for this.

  • How to remove your profile picture on Facebook
  • How practise y'all accept no profile picture on Facebook?
  • How do you lot remove your profile picture from Facebook without deleting it?

How to remove your contour moving picture on Facebook

To remove your contour picture on Facebook, navigate to your Facebook profile first.

One time you lot're on your contour, view your profile moving-picture show, tap on the iii dots, and tap on "Delete Photograph".

Later yous've tapped on "Delete Photo", your contour picture will be removed.

Your contour motion-picture show volition then be set to the default contour pic of Facebook.

The default contour picture of Facebook is the white silhouette of a person with a blue background.

If you don't want your profile picture to be the silhouette, you can alter it by tapping on "select contour film or video".

On the other hand, if you're okay with the silhouette beingness your profile picture, you don't have to practice annihilation else.

Below is a guide on how you tin can remove your profile picture on Facebook (with screenshots).

1. Navigate to your Facebook profile

Open Facebook > tap on the menu on the bottom navigation bar > tap on "Meet your profile".

To brainstorm with, open the Facebook mobile app.

You tin can use Facebook on a desktop for this too.

Withal, the screenshots in this guide are taken on the Facebook mobile app.

Hence, the user interface will be a little different.

One time y'all're on the Facebook mobile app, you'll land on your news feed.

On the bottom navigation bar, you'll see a card icon.

Tap on the menu icon to go to the Facebook menu.

On the bill of fare, y'all'll see multiple options that you lot tin can navigate to.

Directly nether the menu header, you'll see your Facebook name and profile picture show.

At the bottom of your name, you lot'll see a "Encounter your profile" phrase.

Tap on "See your profile" to go to your Facebook profile.

2. View your profile moving-picture show

Tap on your profile picture > tap on "View Contour Picture".

After yous've tapped on "Run into your profile", yous'll state on your Facebook profile.

On your Facebook profile, you'll encounter your Facebook profile picture and your name.

You'll as well see your encompass photo.

Since yous're looking to remove your contour picture, you need to tap on your profile picture.

Tap on your profile picture to open up a navigation menu.

Brand sure that y'all tap on your profile flick and not the photographic camera icon.

This is considering tapping on the photographic camera icon does non allow y'all to view your profile picture.

In one case you've tapped on your profile motion picture, a navigation bill of fare will open with four options.

The 4 options are "View Profile Motion picture", "Select profile picture or video", "Add Frame", and "Create avatar profile picture".

Tap on "View Contour Picture" to view your profile picture on Facebook.

three. Delete your contour motion picture

Tap on the three dots on the top navigation bar.

You might have noticed that there isn't a delete option in the previous step.

This is because in that location isn't a "delete" or a "remove" option straight on the navigation carte.

Instead, you'll have to delete your profile motion-picture show as a mail service.

After you've tapped on "View Profile Picture", you lot'll be able to run into a full-size image of your profile picture.

At the top of it, you'll see a tag icon, a location icon, and three dots.

Tap on the three dots at the acme of your contour picture.

Tap on "Delete Photo" to remove your profile picture on Facebook.

After you've tapped on the 3 dots, a navigation carte will open.

On the navigation menu, you'll see several options.

The options include "Delete Photo", "Brand Cover Photograph", "Save Photo", and "More".

As you're looking to delete your profile picture, tap on "Delete Photograph".

In one case you've tapped on "Delete Photo", the photo will be deleted.

In other words, your profile picture volition be removed.

If you want to change your profile pic, y'all need to tap on your profile moving picture again and tap on "Select profile flick or video".

On the other mitt, if you're just looking to remove your profile motion-picture show, you don't accept to do annihilation else.

You lot've successfully removed your profile flick on Facebook!

How practice you accept no contour flick on Facebook?

To take no profile motion picture on Facebook, you demand to delete your existing contour picture.

Once you lot've deleted your existing profile flick, you'll have no profile picture.

To exercise so, navigate to your profile > tap on your contour moving picture > tap on "View Profile Motion-picture show" > tap on the three dots > tap on "Delete Photograph".

Your profile picture volition and then exist automatically set to the default contour motion picture on Facebook, which is a white silhouette of a person with a blue background.

How do you remove your profile pic from Facebook without deleting information technology?

To remove your profile movie from Facebook without deleting it, y'all demand to set it to "Only Me".

To do then, navigate to your profile > tap on your contour moving picture > View Contour Picture > tap on the 3 dots > Edit privacy/Edit audience > Only Me.

Once you've changed the privacy setting of your profile moving-picture show to "Merely Me", simply you will be able to see your contour film.

In other words, your friends and users that you lot're not friends on Facebook with will non exist able to see your contour picture.


Having an old or outdated contour pic is bad because of multiple reasons.

Firstly, if you lot set a profile moving-picture show of yourself that was taken years ago, your friends may not recognize you on Facebook.

Secondly, people will have a hard time finding you on Facebook.

Additionally, it shows that you lot're no longer agile on the platform.

Ideally, you should change your profile moving-picture show once every year.

If your contour picture has been the aforementioned for a few years, so information technology'southward time for yous to change it.

Alternatively, y'all can remove your electric current profile picture if you don't have whatsoever recent photos of yourself using the guide above.

Further Reading

How to See Your Facebook Password (Without Changing it)

What Does "Following" Hateful on Facebook?

How to Poke Someone on Facebook in 2022


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