
How To Clean Car Evaporator Coil Without Removing

how to clean evaporator coil without removing

When your machine's AC evaporator coil gets too dirty, it tin adversely touch on the operation of your car's Ac. So it'due south a must to clean it periodically.

Evaporator coil cleaning is not too complicated. Whatsoever car owner can even easily do it themselves without taking out the unabridged organisation. Although it may require the quick removal of some parts and possibly drilling a pigsty, cleaning it can but be washed by spraying an Ac evaporator roll cleaner on it and rinsing it.

Read farther to know more than details on how to clean evaporator coil without removing it.

Table of Contents

  • What You Will Need to Follow this Tutorial
    • i. Screwdriver or Electric Drill
    • 2. Evaporator Roll Cleaner
    • 3. Spray Bottle or Garden Hose
    • iv. Towel, Blow Dryer, or Hair Dryer
  • Step by Step Instructions
    • Footstep 1: Remove the Glove Box
    • Pace 2: Access the Evaporator Curlicue
    • Step 3: Spray the Cleaner on the Evaporator Coil Through the Access Point
    • Step 4: Rinse the Evaporator Whorl
    • Stride v: Dry the Evaporator Ringlet
    • Step 6: Put Back the Blower Fan or Resistor Block or Seal the Hole Yous Drilled
    • Step seven: Put Back the Glove Box
  • Conclusion

What You Will Need to Follow this Tutorial


Yous volition only demand a few things to achieve a clean evaporator coil. Meet them below:

1. Screwdriver or Electric Drill

Cleaning evaporator coil without removing it would entail making an admission point from where you can clean the evaporator cadre. At that place are three options for doing so.

The first two options, which are removing the blower fan and taking out the resistor block, would require the utilise of a screwdriver. While the third selection, which is creating a hole between the blower fan and evaporator case with an electric drill, would require an electric drill.

2. Evaporator Ringlet Cleaner

Most evaporator gyre cleaners usually come in a spray bottle with an boosted hose and are cream-based. The cleaner's spray form along with its boosted hose makes applying information technology easier. And the cleaner's foaming activeness allows the cleaner to stick to surfaces while it effectively works on removing dirt, grease, and debris from the evaporator coil.

iii. Spray Bottle or Garden Hose

For rinsing the evaporator coil, y'all can utilise either a spray bottle or a garden hose. Only much circumspection must be observed if yous're going to utilize the garden hose.

4. Towel, Blow Dryer, or Hair Dryer

A towel, blow dryer, or hairdryer will come in handy for drying the evaporator core.

Step by Step Instructions


Maintaining the cleanliness of auto AC evaporator coils isn't besides complicated of a job. There's no need for automobile owners to transport their car to a detailer, every bit they can easily clean evaporator coils without removing the entire organization. Find out how below:

Footstep 1: Remove the Glove Box


Since in this process, you would not be removing the entire organization, y'all will only remove the glove box. The style glove boxes are designed varies amongst the unlike automobile models.

Some glove boxes tin can just easily be removed by opening them upwardly, pushing their edges together, and pulling them out. While others would require more than steps like detaching a cable at the side that supports the glovebox, detaching arm support at the side, unfastening some screws, etc.

Step 2: Access the Evaporator Coil

The evaporator coil can be found by the firewall separating the engine compartment and rider area. In order for you to make clean evaporator coil in auto, you lot would accept to brand a way for yous to access the evaporator coil. There are three means you tin can access the evaporator roll.

The easiest means to get admission to the evaporator coil would be to remove the blower fan. You can do this by disconnecting the terminal that is fastened to the blower motor past pushing the plug inwards and pulling it out. Then you would unfasten the three screws that secure the blower motor to the dashboard'due south underside.

Or another option that you could do to get quick admission to the evaporator coil is past removing the resistor cake But a heads up when removing the resistor cake, if it had been working moments earlier you lot will practise this job, allow it to cool for at least five minutes.

The first pace for removing the resistor cake is to disconnect the negative battery cable and when setting information technology aside, make sure it'south placed somewhere information technology won't make it contact with metallic. Then unfasten the two screws that hold the resistor cake onto the housing and continue them somewhere rubber to avoid losing them.

Only if you are still non able to access the evaporator coil fifty-fifty after removing either aforementioned parts, what you lot can practise to finally access the evaporator scroll is to drill a hole measuring ⅜ of an inch betwixt the blower fan and evaporator example.

Only exist very careful in doing so to avoid damaging other parts. This third selection is a risky task that requires much caution, and then this should simply exist the final resort when necessary.

Step 3: Spray the Cleaner on the Evaporator Curl Through the Access Point

Adhere to the foam-based evaporator curlicue cleaner, spray the boosted hose and insert the hose through the access point you created. Then thoroughly use the cleaner to the unabridged evaporator whorl. Let the evaporator curlicue soak in the cleaner for thirty minutes to allow the cleaner to take effect on the evaporator ringlet.

Once practical and left to soak the evaporator coil, the foam cleaner will later become liquid and catamenia through the drain openings. That would also help get rid of any blockage in the drain.

Step 4: Rinse the Evaporator Coil

The evaporator curlicue would and then be rinsed after the cleaner has done its task with its foaming activity. There are two ways you tin rinse the evaporator scroll.

One is by giving it a lite spray simply, using a garden hose. Simply you accept to be conscientious non to allow the h2o fill up up the inside of your car. You may inquire someone to assistance cheque on the water.

The other way is by spraying make clean water on it using a spray bottle. You lot can practice this method instead if yous don't experience comfortable with using a hose.

Step v: Dry the Evaporator Coil

To dry the evaporator coil, you can towel information technology dry. Or you tin use a blow dryer or hairdryer.

Footstep 6: Put Dorsum the Blower Fan or Resistor Block or Seal the Hole Yous Drilled

Afterwards finally finishing cleaning and drying the evaporator gyre, it's fourth dimension to put dorsum in identify the blower fan or resistor block that you removed earlier to access the evaporator whorl. Just reattach the plug you removed from it and then spiral it dorsum in.

Or if you accept drilled a pigsty between the blower fan and evaporator instance, you would have to seal the pigsty with RTV silicone.

Step 7: Put Back the Glove Box

Once the evaporator coil is finally make clean and whatever removed part from the dashboard'south underside has been returned or the hole drilled has been sealed, you lot tin then practice the last step. And that is to put back the glove box, which yous can simply do by doing the glove box removal in reverse.


Clay accumulated on the evaporator curl tin impact your auto AC's cooling. In order to relish the best cooling performance from your car Ac, one of the essential maintenance tasks you need to do periodically is to clean the evaporator gyre.

Trying to figure out how to make clean evaporator coil without removing the system to do it yourself is a smart move. Now yous've found out how, the next affair to exercise is to finally apply the steps shown in this tutorial. Simply before y'all do, please give this article a like and share it if you plant it helpful.


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